The Pain of Swelling Inventories

Jeff Gordon
Aug 22, 2024

The Pain of Swelling Inventories

The pandemic and its immediate aftermath allowed every jeweler to sell out of inventory, even merchandise that was aged and underperforming.  Booming jewelry demand in the wake of travel restrictions and supply shortages created a perfect scenario for retailers. 

Fast forward to post-COVID times over the last 18 months and we see the same old problems jewelry retailers have always had.  It’s 2019 all over again, but now with pre-COVID buying habits and levels of toxic merchandise that are stifling sales.  Add to this the current slowdown in the economy, including recession fears again, and we have a recipe for concern.

Clearly, it is time to be cautious, yet crystal clear on buying habits and plans to dispose of product that is weighing you down.  When your salespeople know jewelry items are old and haven’t sold, they can’t get enthusiastic about your products.  Nor can your customers when they see the same products in your showcases for years.  It becomes a viscous cycle that requires immediate attention.

Many retailers are caught in this trap and need a way out.  At The Gordon Company, we are experts in inventory management and disposal.  Give us a call or drop us a line for a free, no-obligation consultation.  We are pleased to provide whatever information you need to ease the pain of troubled merchandise.

Call Steve Webb or Ira Bergman today to learn more about what The Gordon Company can do for you! We’ll help you determine the best sale to conduct for you and your store to maximize results and to exceed your goals.

Don’t delay, contact us today!