Be Aware!

Jeff Gordon
Jun 21, 2023

As noted recently by the Jewelry Security Alliance (JSA), crime was on the rise last year and seems to be a new general trend for our industry. This increase in crime is in contrast to what we have witnessed over the past several decades, and it’s really hard to know why.

Despite the reasons, the increase in robberies and burglaries should be on every jeweler’s mind. Unfortunately, we have found jewelers to be far too casual with their personal security concerns, as well as for that of their store.

The opening and closing times of your store are often your most vulnerable periods. Always have two or more people open and close, keep your doors locked, and do not open the door for anyone, even a customer or delivery person.

Review your security procedures with your staff often. Have your security signals top of mind. Practice security and role play your actions just as you do with the sales process. In some ways, security is even more important. Bottom line: being alert and aware of your actions and surroundings are critical to maintain safety for yourself and your staff.

 At The Gordon Company, we are here to help you in any way we can. Yes, we orchestrate major sale events for our clients, but our goal is to keep you on top of your game, and to assist you with advice and counsel that can make the difference between failure and success. Contact us any time to see how we can help you.


Jeff Gordon, CEO