Expanding Your Digital Influence with The Gordon Company

Jeff Gordon
Sep 16, 2020

Traffic is down and you need cash.  A major sale event can remedy both.  But how do we deliver a sale event when social distancing is key during COVID?  In short, carefully and intelligently.

While others pondered the effects of the pandemic, we were hard at work creating an online supplement to the physical store sale that delivers what you cannot do on your own.  Our digital solution creates video sales from your customers who can now shop your sale, by appointment, safely from the comfort of their homes.

Let’s face it.  We all know that online sales have been growing for years, and have escalated faster during the COVID crisis.  Knowing this, we created a solution that augments in-store sales with online sales that takes nothing away from the customer experience.  In some cases, it may enhance the experience because of the ease of enjoying huge savings on your discounted merchandise from home.

Best of all, we can assist you with this same digital solution using geo-fencing and retargeting of customers both during and long after your sale is conducted.  We are in the business of keeping you in business, so contact us today to see how we can help you expand your online influence during COVID and into 2021.


Jeff Gordon, CEO