How To Make This Your Best Holiday Season Ever

Jeff Gordon
Oct 20, 2021

Some say this will be the best Holiday Season for retail jewelers. It may very well be. The pandemic has surprised all of us, and while some are suffering, many are thriving.

So if business is good, why do we advocate a major sale event? In short, because we may never have a better year to leverage an economic period like this.

One fine jeweler said of his sale earlier this year that it was like “Christmas on steroids.” His business was already very good, but he built onto to it with an unbelievable 33-day sale that generated six-times the revenue he would have done in that same time period.

I don’t believe I’m over-stating it to say that this winter season could well be your Business’ “Sale of a Lifetime.” You need to capitalize on the current jewelry frenzy with a model designed to exponentially multiply a good business climate into the greatest time in your business career.

No one knows how long the current trend will last, yet we know we can drive new traffic for you, help you sell multiples more than you could do on your own, profit significantly from it, and move into 2022 in a very strong position.

But you must act with urgency to secure your place in the coming weeks. Please contact us immediately for more information or to book your store’s greatest sale event ever.


Ira Bergman, President