Some Things You Only Do Once

Jeff Gordon
Nov 5, 2020

Think about it. There are things in life that you’re only going to do once. Have your tonsils removed. Hire a wedding planner. Buy your first home. Borrow money to start a small business. Tour the Great Pyramids. Scale Mount Everest. 

In each of these situations, you need expert guidance because these are one-time experiences you simply can’t get wrong. Such professionals will keep doing what they do best long after you become part of their history. So they have to get it right.

The same is true in business. When you’re considering closing a store, moving to a new location, liquidating inventory, raising significant cash, retiring, transitioning a business, or even going out of business, you’re probably only going to do this once, so you better get it right. There’s just too much at stake if you make a mistake. 

We’d love to help you in any of these areas because we eat, sleep, and drink major sale events that accomplish these goals. This is what we do every day for upscale retail jewelers, and I like to think we’re as good as anyone in the business at it.

So give us a call or drop us a line if we can help you because you’re only going to do this once.



Jeff Gordon, CEO