I’m concerned. And you should be, too.
Jewelers were the prime beneficiary of the sentimental value of our products during the pandemic. But as more and more people are vaccinated and as herd immunity begins to set in nationwide, people are getting out. They’re simply tired of being couped up.
What this means is that travel – the number one competitor to jewelry for disposable luxury dollars – is coming back with a vengeance. We may only have a few months left before those dollars are spent on travel alternatives.
Some say we’re headed for the “Roaring ‘20s,” where the determination to “get out” and “let loose” permeated society after the Spanish Flu. Time will tell on this, but time is not on our side when it comes to competing with travel, vacations, cruises, and getting away.
So seriously consider taking full advantage of what is otherwise a one-time opportunity to have a major sale event. Time is of the essence. Contact us today!
Ira Bergman, President