2021 is a good year to run a major sale event because people are slowly getting out and they will soon be traveling again. In other words, the benefit our industry has received from people staying home will soon be over.
We have found that late Spring, Summer, and early Fall are all ideal times to run a sale. But, as we partner with you, it’s important to start planning together now so you’ll be prepared to drive increased traffic to your store, further build your customer base, and eliminate a lot of unwanted merchandise.
Speaking with a client recently, he was adamant that we not bring in ANY additional merchandise. I said, “That’s fine.” We don’t own any merchandise and all we want to do is sell your inventory, not someone else’s. We also want every client to feel very comfortable that their reputation in the community will be maintained because every client approves what promotional elements we will bring to the table–therefore, all sales are unique in their own right.
We insist that every jeweler is comfortable with how the sale is conducted. Our job is to orchestrate all the details so you and your team of salespeople can focus on what you do best: SELL like it was Christmas Eve every day.
So contact us right away if a sale event is what you need this year. We anticipate a busy season ahead.
Jeff Gordon, CEO